
In Abstract, you can use markdown to format text in a way that is meaningful to you and your team. We’ve compiled a guide on where you can use markdown and what formatting is supported.

Where can I use markdown?

Area in Abstract

MacOS App

Web App

Project Overview - About section

Branch summary


Collection description

Section within a collection

Commit description


Comments on activity in any branch, including the main branch

Comments on a commit on any branch, including the main branch

Comments on an artboard in the layer detail view

Comments on an artboard in presentation mode

Replying to a comment in the areas listed above

Branch reviews

What markdown is supported?

Formatting options include: 

Format Markdown


**text**, __text__


*text*, _text_






[link title](url)

Heading level 1


Heading level 2


Heading level 3


Bulleted list


Numbered list




Code block



Add number signs (#) in front of some text to format it as a heading. The amount of number signs you use matches the heading level you want to create. Alternatively, you can use any number of equal signs (==) or dashes (--) on the line below the text to create H1 and H2 headings.

# Heading level 1 

Heading level 1 Alt Syntax
## Heading level 2 

Heading level 2 Alt Syntax
### Heading level 3

Paragraph Text

To format paragraph text as bold, italic, bold and italic, or struck-through, use asterisks (*), underscores (_), or tildes (~) as seen below.


I just love **bold text**.
I just love __bold text__.


Italicized text is the *cat's meow*.
Italicized text is the _cat's meow_.

Bold + Italic

This text is ***really important***.
This text is ___really important___.
This text is __*really important*__.
This text is **_really important_**.


~~The world is flat.~~ We now know that the world is round.


Add a greater-than symbol (>) in front of a line of text to create a blockquote. If you need the blockquote to display on multiple lines, include the > symbol on each new line. You can use multiple > symbols to indent text inside the blockquote.

> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.

> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.
>> The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.

> # The quarterly results look great!
> - Revenue was off the chart.
> - Profits were higher than ever.
>  *Everything* is going according to **plan**.


To create an ordered list, type a number followed by a period (beginning with 1.) and then write the list item. Start a new line for each new item. Use dashes (-) to create unordered lists, and indent using spaces to create tiered lists.

Ordered List

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
4. Fourth item

Unordered List

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
   - Indented item
   - Indented item
- Fourth item

Code Related

To signify that a word or phrase is code, surround it with grave accents (`). You can also use this to call special attention to specific text even if it's not code, such as highlighting key terms. Use three grave accents on either side of a long stretch of text to indicate a full code block.

At the command prompt, type `nano`


code blocks only work when fenced in, not tabbed



You can quickly add a link or a mailto redirect in Abstract by surrounding the url or email address with < > symbols. To create a link and hide the url behind a preview title, surround the title with square brackets [ ], immediately followed by the url in parentheses ( ).

You can also combine some of the other text formattings with link formatting to create hyperlinks that are bold, italic, or even appear as code.

My favorite search engine is [Duck Duck Go](



I love supporting the **[EFF](**.

This is the *[Markdown Guide](*.

See the section on [`code`](#code).

Horizontal Rules

Use three or more asterisks (*), dashes (-), or underscores (_) on a single line to create a horizontal rule between text.


Using three dashes “---” directly below text formats that text as an H2 level rather than creating a horizontal rule. To create a horizontal rule instead, either use asterisks or underscores, or add an extra blank line between your text and your horizontal rule.


You can add images to Abstract by using a Markdown format similar to links, with an added exclamation point (!) at the front. Since images are embedded using an URL, the image needs to be hosted externally using a service like Imgur or TinyPic in order to be displayed.

Photo by Karl Lee on Unsplash

![alt text](https://your-image-url-here.jpg)

Currently embedded images cannot be zoomed or previewed at full size. Images with text may be difficult to read.