This feature is only available on our Enterprise plan. Contact sales for more information.
Teams let organization administrators to group users and add the teams to specific projects. Organization admins can assign team admins that can also add or remove members and guests to the team. Teams, upon creation, are empty by default and have no assigned members or projects.
Create a team
Only organization admins can create teams.
Because a team is empty initially, the organization admin must add a member and assign them as the team admin. If a team loses a team admin, any organization admin can administer a team, but does not become a team member by default.
To create a team:
- Open the Abstract app (desktop or web).
- In the left side pane, click on the organization name.
- From the dropdown, select People & Teams.
- Select the Teams tab.
- Click Create a team.
- Name your team and select a team color.
- Click Save.
Add members and guests to teams
Teams, upon creation, are empty by default. Organization admins and team admins can add or remove members or guests in the team.
A user can be a member or guest of one or multiple teams.
Before joining a team, users who are already members of the organization are only able to see public projects. Once the user is added as a member of the team, they can see those same public projects as well as any private projects that the team belongs to.
If a new user is added directly to a team with Invite Guests, they are not members of your organization. They can only see public or private projects that are assigned to that team. They can't see other public or private projects in the organization.
Organizational level seats and roles apply in the team projects, i.e. if a user has an organization member viewer role, then they are still a viewer on the project.
Add users
To add users:
- Open the Abstract app (desktop or web).
- In the left side pane, click on the organization name.
- From the dropdown, select People & Teams.
- Select the Teams tab.
- Click on the team card.
- Choose to add organization members or invite guests.
Inviting guests from the Add Members screen doesn't invite them to your whole organization. Those guests can only view public and private projects associated with that team.
Edit or remove users
To edit or remove users:
- Open the Abstract app (desktop or web).
- In the left side pane, click on the organization name.
- From the dropdown, select People & Teams.
- Select the Teams tab.
- Click on the team card.
- To edit member permissions, click the
icon on the user card and select Team Admin or Team Member.
- To remove a team member, click Remove from team… and follow the prompts.
Use private projects
Before joining the team, users are able to see only public projects. Once the user is a member of the team, they can see private projects as well where the team has access.
By utilizing private projects, you can easily control who has access to the team projects. All users added to the team, whether a member or guest, automatically have access to all of the public and private projects to which the team is added and do not need to be invited to each project individually.
If the project is already public and it is changed to private, you need to remove any users you don't want to have access to the project.
Invite a team to a project
A project admin can define whether a team is added to a project or not. Once a team is created, a project admin can invite teams to individual projects.
From the organization homepage (desktop or web):
- On the project card you wish to add and click on ...
- Click Manage People.
- Click Invite to project.
- Select the team to be added and click Add.
From the left side pane (desktop or web):
- Select the project you wish to add and click on …
- Click on Members.
- Click Invite to project.
- Select the team to be added and click Add.
Delete a team
Only organization admins can delete a team.
To delete a team:
- Open the Abstract app (desktop or web).
- In the left side pane, click on the organization name.
- From the dropdown, select People & Teams.
- Select the team card from the People & Teams tab and select Settings.
- Click Delete team and follow the prompts.