Add files to your project

Once you’ve created a project, you can import existing Sketch files and libraries or create new ones.  

The files you import or create make up your project’s main branch. The main branch is the default branch that contains the finalized, approved designs for a project. When you’re ready to start working, create a branch from the main branch.

Newly created projects aren't visible to other members of your organization while they are empty. Keep reading to learn about how to create new project files or import existing files into a new project, and be sure to commit at least once in the project .

Create new project files

If you want to start your project from scratch, you can create a brand new Sketch file to serve as your project’s main branch.

To add a brand new file to your project:

  1. Once you’ve created a project in the Abstract desktop app, click Create Sketch File

  2. Name your file

  3. Decide whether you want to use this file as a Library

  4. Click Create Sketch File. Your new Sketch file appear in the Files list

To begin designing, navigate to your new file and click Edit in Sketch then Create a Branch.

Import files to a new project

If you have existing design files, you can import them to your project. To import a Library, follow our Add a Library instructions instead.

Only import files that represent the most up-to-date version of your product. Duplicate and/or outdated files create confusion and clutter for your team.

To import files to your project:

  1. Once you’ve created a project in the Abstract desktop app, click Import Sketch File
  2. Select the file from your computer

  3. Click Import. Your file appears in the Files list
  4. To begin designing, select your new Sketch file and click Edit in Sketch then Create a Branch

We recommend importing files no larger than 250MB. Abstract performs best when individual files are smaller than 250MB or contain less than 2500 Artboards.

Add files to an existing project

You can add files directly to the main branch or to branches you own at any time. Files added to branches you own appear in the main branch once the branch is merged.

To add files to an existing project:

  1. Open the Abstract desktop app.
  2. Select the project you’d like to add files to.
  3. Select Main from the left side pane.
  4. Click Add File, then select Import File
  5. Select the file from your computer.
  6. Click Import. Your file appears in the Files list.
  • Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop your file into Abstract. 

Replace files in a project

To replace a file:

  1. Open the Abstract desktop app.
  2. Select the project where you’d like to replace a file. 
  3. Select Main from the left side pane.
  4. Select the Files tab at the top.
  5. Right-click the file you wish to replace.
  6. Choose Replace….
  7. Select the replacement file from your computer.

You can find a record of the replacement in the Commits tab. You can also rename the file if needed by right-clicking and selecting Rename.

Supported File Types

Abstract currently only supports Sketch files. If there’s a file type you’d like to see us support, let our support team know