Change your email settings

Abstract sends two kinds of email: Unread Notifications and Announcements & Promotions.

You can unsubscribe from either type at any time.

To unsubscribe from Unread Notifications:

  1. Open the Abstract app (desktop or web).
  2. Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the desktop app or the bottom left corner of the web app.
  3. Select Personal Settings.
  4. In the Personal Settings menu, select Notifications.
  5. Toggle the On/Off button under Unread Notifications.
  6. Click Save Changes.

To unsubscribe from Announcements & Promotions:

Follow the link at the footer of a promotional email to change your preferences relating to product announcements, promotions, and events.

Note: If you have unsubscribed, but are still receiving emails from us, please let us know and we can investigate further.