Organization overview

Administrators can edit your organization’s details, manage the viewers and contributors, change permissions and access, update integrations, and update billing information.

You can conveniently access some settings throughout the Mac app. They’re also centrally located in the Abstract web app.

To invite, remove, and change roles for your team, use People & Teams.

To change settings for your organization, use Organization Settings

  1. In the left side navigation, click on the organization name.
  2. In the dropdown menu, select Organization Settings.
  3. Select the desired tab to make changes to your organization.


Use the Details tab to rename your organization, change the logo for your team, and add or update billing email addresses. You can also delete your organization here.

Rename your organization

If you're the Admin of an organization, you can rename the organization.

To rename the organization:

  1. Open the Abstract app (desktop or web).
  2. In the left side navigation, click on the organization name.
  3. From the dropdown, select Organization Settings.
  4. Edit the organization's name.
  5. Click SAVE CHANGES in the top right corner.


Use the Permissions tab to enable domain restrictions for new members and guests and determine how invitations to your organization can be sent. You can also configure SSO settings here.


Use the Sharing tab to enable public share links for public or private projects. You can also view a list of items that have been shared when public sharing is enabled, and you can revoke any items that have been publicly shared.


Use the Integrations tab to set up and manage Slack notifications for Abstract accounts.


Administrators can manage and update billing information on behalf of their organization. Use the Billing tab to: