Abstract lives on several domains. We also partner with other companies to help keep us up and running. When configuring Abstract for the first time, your IT team may need to safelist these URLs.
First party
- abstract.com
- goabstract.com
- app.abstract.com
- app.goabstract.com
- api.goabstract.com
- auth.goabstract.com
- git.goabstract.com
- git-cdn.goabstract.com
- previews.goabstract.com
- objects.goabstract.com
- share.abstract.com
- share.goabstract.com
- thumbnails.abstract.com
- downloads.goabstract.com
Third party
A full list of our partners can be found at Abstract sub-processors. URLs associated with those sub-processors:
- amazontrust.com
- s3.amazonaws.com
- ws.pusherapp.com
- api.pusherapp.com
- sockjs.pusher.com
Abstract uses ports 80 and 443.